MS in Behavioral Health Psychology

准备在咨询事业或进一步你的研究技能在卡罗尔的行为健康心理学理学硕士课程. 对文化上富有同情心的行为健康从业者的需求从未像现在这样大, nor has the call to reduce disparities in mental health care across society. 我们的课程为临床医生和威尼斯游戏大厅提供当今行为健康专业人员所需的咨询和临床心理学知识和技能. 

卡罗尔的行为健康心理学硕士毕业生做好了充分的准备,可以在各种医疗保健环境中与社区和临床人群一起工作,成为威斯康星州的持牌专业咨询师, to conduct applied behavioral health research, or as competitive applicants for psychology Ph.D. 项目.

Behavioral Health Versus Mental Health

行为健康和心理健康密切相关,经常互换使用. 在卡罗尔, we believe behavioral health encompasses mental, 精神和人际关系健康,并承认我们的行为在这三者中所起的作用. As a graduate of our program, 你会明白文化和社会因素在疾病和健康中所起的作用. 你将通过与过去经验的相互作用来帮助客户实现他们的目标, emotions and other constructs that interact with current and future behavior. 同时, 你将准备倡导社会层面的倡议和政策,支持社区的行为健康.

Specialize in One of Four Concentrations

在卡罗尔, 你可以专攻与当今行为健康专业相关的几个专业之一.

你的选修课程, 实习, 实习和论文或综合项目都与你选择的专业领域有关. 这意味着你可以在你喜欢的领域发展专业知识,这是在为临床医生准备硕士学位许可的项目中很少发现的机会.


All students will accrue a minimum of 700 clinical hours in the program. 我们将与您合作,确保与您选择的集中区域对齐的安置. 除了, 对于那些长途跋涉参加周末课程的学生来说,有机会在离家较近的地方获得实习机会.

Carroll offers students a variety of placement options. 作为一个实习学生, 在与经验丰富的专业人士一起工作的同时,您将建立基本的临床和咨询技能,并与您选择的专业和职业目标保持一致. While completing your 2-semester internship, 你将在临床工作中获得独立性,为你的研究生生涯做准备.


Admission Counselor Josh Hurlebaus

Speak one-on-one with faculty and our graduate admission counselor, Josh Hurlebaus.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - 6:00 PM - 回复在这里

Interested but unable to attend? Contact Josh to learn more:
电子邮件- |电话或短信 262-747-2275
安排预约: 预订链接


Four Themes Guide our Behavioral Health Psychology Program

以证据为基础的治疗 ​ 
您将学习批判性地评估和应用基于证据的评估和干预与各种客户. 而所有准备职业咨询师的培训项目都包括咨询理论和技巧课程, 在卡罗尔, 你还将学习一门额外的课程,由临床实践教师讲授,内容是基于证据的干预措施,这些干预措施有强有力的科学支持. Here you will critically evaluate the research, 练习技巧, and be prepared to further develop your skills via practicals and internships.

You’ll also gain competence in critically evaluating science, and be prepared to use the latest research to inform your clinical practice. 每节课都强调科学能力,你将在寻找与客户工作相关的研究时获得安慰. 您将获得评估研究及其对自己工作的适用性的技能. Psychological science is dynamic. As a graduate of our program, you’ll be equipped to ensure your clinical practice evolves with the science. 

作为一名应用研究专业的毕业生,你将准备进行心理学研究. 通过高级课程, contributions to research teams 在卡罗尔 and with external partners, 你的论文项目, 你将很适合从事行为健康研究或攻读博士学位.D.

Decreasing Behavioral Healthcare Disparities  
Guided by the biopsychosocial-spiritual model, Carroll’s program views behavior through a wholistic lens, and is determined to ensure behavioral healthcare is inclusive and accessible. Our program of study will prepare you to be a compassionate, “临床医生, sensitive to the developmental, 生物, 对不同人群行为健康结果的心理社会和精神贡献. While you will formally take a “Multicultural Psychology” course, developing cultural compassion is emphasized in every course in our program. From your statistics course to your history of psychology course, 你将面临的挑战是考虑不同人群对行为健康的不同影响. You will use this understanding to conceptualize clients, 准备治疗计划, evaluate psychological research, and advocate for social justice at all levels of society.

应用 your knowledge and skills in research laboratories, 在经验丰富的专业人员的监督下,教室实验室和实践环境. 您将与卡罗尔教师和社区合作伙伴合作,以提高您的研究技能, practical and internship settings, assessing and responding to unique clinical needs in varied populations.

行为健康心理学理学硕士课程采用灵活的教学方式, 混合格式, with a mix of in-person and online coursework. Course content is largely provided online, allowing you to absorb didactic materials on your schedule. 每月去两次, you'll spend Friday evening and Saturday on Carroll’s campus, honing your skills through the application of material with students and faculty. 

对于那些寻求最终学位准备你在硕士水平的许可, 63个学分的课程可以在短短22-24个月的全日制学习中完成. 攻读50-55学分应用研究课程的学生如果选择全日制学习,可以在20个月内完成该课程. 我们也欢迎通过兼职学习选择慢节奏学习的学生.

认证 and Licensing

威尼斯游戏大厅 is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission. 除了, 卡罗尔的行为健康心理学课程被威斯康辛州正式认可为特许专业咨询师(LPC)的培训课程. Thus, graduates are eligible for Wisconsin’s LPC designation. 





威尼斯游戏大厅 Catalog | Master of Science in Behavioral Health Psychology


Carroll 社区 Counseling Center (CCC)

The CCC is a free counseling service offered to the 沃基肖 community, 由行为健康心理学(BHP)项目的教员和学员组成.





Acting Out - Students Find Getting into Character is Good Therapy


A breakup with her boyfriend of four years rocked Phoebe Lansbury. 一种未确诊的恐慌症和对自己健康的普遍焦虑使安娜·特伦顿瘫痪了. 伊莎贝拉·拉福莱特在一段感情突然结束后陷入了非常黑暗的情境性抑郁. 对他们心理健康和情感健康的担忧导致他们每个人都寻求帮助. As the fall semester unfolded last year, 每个人都开始在线课程, 与卡罗尔行为健康心理学(BHP)项目的研究生会面. 没有什么值得注意的,除了菲比、安娜和伊莎贝拉不是真实的人.

Main Hall is a large building with many windows.

New Behavioral Health Psychology Master in the News


New Behavioral Health Psychology Master in the News

